First Aid courses
American Heart Association BLS Provider
This is an official AHA certification course. This course is designed for Medical and EMS personnel needing their provider level certification, or renewal. This course will train individuals on how to properly assess and perform the following:
CPR, Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
AED, Automated External Defibrillator, application
The Heimlich manuever
This course will also offer the skills test required to become CPR, and AED certified, as well as EMS Personnel course credits.
American Heart Association Heartsaver First Aid
This is an official AHA certification course. This course also has a Pediatric focused version as well.This course focuses on providing individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to be able to administer basic First aid to individuals.
This course will cover the following:
Bandaging and wrapping
Broken bones and splinting techniques
Signs of shock, and hypothermia and how to treat these conditions
Wound assessment and field dressings

American Heart Association
Heartsaver CPR/AED
This is an official AHA certification course. This course will train individuals on how to properly assess and perform the following:
CPR, Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
AED, Automated External Defibrillator, application
The Heimlich manuever
This course will also offer the skills test required to become CPR, and AED certified. This course also has a Pediatric focused version as well.
Severe Bleeding and Trauma
This course is designed to teach individuals how to assess and triage injuries caused by a penetrating/slicing object. The core principles covered in this course will be:
how and when to properly apply a C.A.T, (Combat Application Tourniquet)
use of a chest seal for management and treatment of an open and/or tension pneumothorax caused by a penetrating chest trauma
Proper Wound packing and wrapping techniques aka field dressings
The core Methodology taught will be based on military medics' M.A.R.C.H system for assessing and triaging wounded individuals:
M- Massive Hemorrhage
A- Airway
R- Respiratory
C- Circulation
H- Hypothermia